48 RSGu3502 — Tools
RSGu3502 — Tools
Remote Log — Router
You can forward logged events to a remote computer. Each log message is assigned a severity level indicat-
ing its affect to the residential gateway functions.
Log Level
Messages having the severity level you specify, or higher, are logged to the logging destination
you select. The levels are, in order of severity:
Panic — system panic or other condition that causes the residential gateway to stop
Alert — conditions that require immediate correction, such as a corrupted system database
Critical — critical conditions, such as hard drive errors
Error — error conditions that generally have less serious consequences than panic, alert, or
Warning — conditions that warrant monitoring
Notice — conditions that are not errors but might warrant special handling; this is the default
Log Level setting
Info — events or non-error conditions of interest
Debug — software debugging messages;
specify only when directed by a support