RP424PFC Indoor Gas Fireplace
Page 37
XG0781 - 151104
Step 6:
Replace the inner valve cover and access panel.
Step 7:
Carefully replace the inner layer of glass, inner glass
retainer, and middle layer of glass. The middle glass retainer
cannot be replaced.
Step 8:
Replace the outer glass barrier, ensuring the silicone
tubing is not kinked or pinched in the glass.
Step 9:
Attach the end of each tube to a manometer.
Step 10:
When done testing the gas pressure, remove the
glass barriers, access panel, and inner valve cover, disconnect
the tubing connected in Step 4, remove the hose barbs, and
reinsert the 1/8" MPT plugs.
Figure 59.
Step 11:
Reinstall the inner valve cover and access panel. See
Accessing the Valve
for further information.
Figure 58.