P-15: Cardio Run: (20 minutes default)
Cardio Run is a steady pace workout but at a higher
intensity than the “Long Slow Distance” workout.
Cardio Run is a more intermediate or advanced workout, designed to motivate your to achieve a more challen-
ging stead pace and maintain than pace for the full duration of the workout. Cardio Run is a great workout if you
are training for a special event.
P-16: Short Interval: (20 minutes default)
Short Interval workouts have been found in research
stuied to be ideal for those striving to increase their
weight loss, and improve their overall cardiovascular fitness. Varying your exercise intensity during a workout
from a moderately slow level to a high intensity for a set period of time and repeating that progression for a
complete workout will maximize the total number of calories burned during a workout. A second benefit is the
individual will not be forced to maintain a high intensity exercise level throughout the entire workout. The short
interval recovery periods allows the body to more successfully exercise at a higher intensity than might other-
wise be comfortable for the individual for a complete workout duration.
P-17: Uphill Walk: (30 minutes default)
The Uphill Walk gradually increases the intensity of
your exercise peaking at a high intensity. The goal of
the Uphill Walk workout is to stimulate your body to i
mprove your overall cardiovascular fitness, while also
maximizing muscle cell development in working muscles. The Uphill Walk workout has been designed to start
out at a slow, comfortable pace and gradually increase to a peak intensity then with a quick decrease in inten-
sity back down to a recovery level. You will maximize overall calorie burn during the peak intensity levels of this
workout while allowing your body to exercise for a longer duration.