Reading your heart rate
Contact Heart Rate Sensors are built into the stationary hand grips of the TR3000 to monitor your heart rate
during exercise. To use, grasp the sensors with a comfortable grip, with the palms of your hands placed over the
sensors. If the sensors are having difficulty picking up your heart rate you may consider using aloe or a moisturi-
zer on your hands or you can warm up as you exercise to increase the moisture in your hands.
Do not squeeze tightly as this can cause your blood pressure to rise. It will take a few senconds for the console
to calculate your heart rate accurately.
In additional to the contact heart rate sensors, both the TR3000 has a built-in receiver for the use of a wireless
chest strap.
Note: The heart rate monitoring system will vary due to the users method of use, physiology, age and
other factors.
Remember that to use the My Zone Heart Rate Control
Programs you will need to use a chest strap or keep
your hands on the sensors