A/V Setting Descriptions: Video
VCR Compensation for model HD-5000
VCR Compensation
The process of playing back video tapes inherently creates weak or distorted synchronization signals. This weakness
can be further exaggerated when video tapes are older, worn by multiple playbacks, are copies from other tapes, or if the
VCR’s video heads are worn or dirty. This often becomes apparent by the picture bending at the top or bottom of the
The VIDEO button on the HD- remote control includes a VCR Compensation function. This function can
be used to reduce bending. The “Standard” setting is the default setting and is usually appropriate for most TVs and
displays. If you experience strong bending while playing back video tapes, try the Level and Level settings, using
ADJUST or and use the one that shows the least amount of bending. VCR compensation affects all analog i
inputs independently.
(Addendum to page 62 of the Owner’s Guide)