The QUERY command requires no parameters.
Remote Command Sequence: ?EAD
Unit Response: ?EADIiiiiiiiiiiiiGggggggggggggSssssssssssss
EAD: Ethernet Address indicator. If the indicator is capitalized in the remote
response, then the IP address that was set is a Static IP address. If the indicator
is in lower case letters then the IP address is a Dynamic IP address and was
obtained using DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server to assign the
IP address.
I: Ethernet IP Address parameter indicator
iiiiiiiiiiii: Twelve-digit ASCII numeric characters,
* = no change to stored value in position
G: Ethernet gateway parameter indicator
gggggggggggg: Twelve-digit ASCII numeric characters,
* = no change to stored value in position
S: Ethernet Subnet mask parameter indicator
ssssssssssss: Twelve-digit ASCII numeric characters,
* = no change to stored value in position
The SET command requires two parameters, one which is two digits in length
representing the redundancy chain position and one parameter which is a three
character parameter representing the gain equalization in dB. The gain equalization
moves in 0.2 dB steps regardless of the step size that the backup converter moves in.
See Section 4 of this document for an explanation of Gain Equalization.
Remote Command Sequence: $EQUnnGsgg
Response: $EQU
The QUERY command requires a two-digit parameter representing the redundancy
chain position.
Remote Command Sequence: ?EQUnn
Response: ?EQUnnGsgg
EQU: Gain Equalization command indicator
nn: Two digit ASCII numeric characters,
Indicating primary converter. “01” through “12”.
G: Gain Equalization parameter indicator
s: ‘+’ or ‘-‘ indicating sign.
gg: Two-digit parameter indicating Gain Equalization in 0.2 dB steps.