The display above shows the Redundancy Chain status screen for an NSU1 system.
This system can only back up one primary converter.
The display above shows the Redundancy Chain status screen for an NSU2 system.
This system can back up two Primary converters.
Both the NSU1 and the NSU2 systems have Redundant switches built into the NSU1
and NSU2 control units. The NSUN Redundant switch modules are individual
assemblies that are mounted outside the NSUN control unit.
Redundancy Mode (Automatic/Manual)
Repeated presses of the “AUTO” button will toggle the redundancy mode between
Automatic and Manual. The “AUTO” indicator button will light green when in
Automatic redundancy mode. The “AUTO” indicator button will not be lit when in
Manual redundancy mode.
Transfer Switch Position (Online/Standby/Unoccupied)
To toggle the transfer switch position associated with a chain position between online
and standby the Control Unit must be in the manual redundancy mode. To change
switch position:
Press the left or right arrow key until the data field directly below the desired chain
position is selected. The cursor should be to the left of the data field on the bottom
row of the display.
Use the up and down arrow keys to select online “ON”, standby “ST” or “- -“
(unoccupied position).
For online or standby Press “ENTER” to set the displayed status.
For Unoccupied the operator must confirm taking the converter out of the
Redundancy Chain by choosing yes. If no choice is made within 10 seconds the
selection times out and no change is made.
BK 01
BK 01 02