The following is an example of querying Active Converter Status for an NSU2 with a
Backup and two Primary converters connected.
Query Cmd: ?ACS
Reply: ?ACS000----------C000----------
The reply shows that there are two Primary converters and a Backup converter all with
serial links enabled and no contact errors.
Note: Although all thirteen serial links and all thirteen chain positions are shown, only
converters within the first three positions of the response (Backup, Primary 1 and
Primary 2) can be changed. Attempting to change the state of a serial link or chain
position outside this range will generate an error response “b”: illegal parameter or
parameter out of range, and the action will not be implemented.
The following is an example of querying Active Converter Status for an NSU1 with a
Backup and one Primary converter connected.
Query Cmd: ?ACS
Reply: ?ACS00-----------C00-----------
The reply shows that there is one Primary converter and a Backup converter both with
serial links enabled and no contact errors.
Note: Again, although all thirteen serial links and all thirteen chain positions are shown,
only converters within the first two positions of the response (Backup and Primary 1)
can be changed. Attempting to change the state of a serial link or chain position outside
this range will generate an error response “b”: illegal parameter or parameter out of
range, and the action will not be implemented.