The following examples are for an NSUN with seven primary converters and a backup
converter connected.
Query Cmd: ?ACS
Reply: ?ACS00000000-----C00000000-----
The reply shows that there are seven Primary converters and a backup converter all with
serial links enabled and no contact errors.
To de-activate serial link for primary converter 1
Cmd: $ACS*2***********C*************
Reply: $ACS
Note: The “*” character must be used for any chain position in which no changes are
being made otherwise an error will be generated and the command will not be accepted.
This also applies to chain positions that have not yet been enabled.
Query Cmd
Reply ?ACS02000000-----C00000000-----
To de-activate redundancy chain position 1
Cmd $ACS*************C*-***********
Query Cmd
Reply ?ACS0-000000-----C0+000000-----
Enable the serial link for primary converter 1
Cmd $ACS*0***********C*************
Reply $ACS
Query Cmd?ACS
Reply ?ACS0-000000-----C0+000000-----
Note: Once a chain position has been de-activated the converter contacts must be
removed and the reconnected for the NSU to detect the presence of a converter again.
A chain position cannot be created using any form of the $ACS command.