RCP-200 |
Scrollable lists
These are like multi-value lists, except that the control area is not tall
enough to display all the available values.
Blue arrows above and below indicate that additional values are
available in that direction.
The arrow is white when there are no additional values in that
Turn the control knob to move up and down the list (see note * below).
The selected value is shown on a LIGHT BLUE background
Non-selected items are on a DARK BLUE background
A slider consists of a scale and a movable indicator.
The upper and lower limits, and the nominal value, are shown on the
left side of the slider graphic.
The nominal value is the User default value if it exists or the factory
value otherwise.
The arrow head indicating the current value is displayed on the right
side of the slider graphic.
Beneath the slider is a data box giving the numerical value of the
current scale setting.
The value can be changed using the control knob:
Turn the knob clockwise to increase the value
Turn the knob counter-clockwise to decrease the value
Sliders may also display nominal Factory or User Default values, if that
feature is available and enabled for the device under control.
The slider will display a user-specified default value plus a tolerance
window around that value
The slider bar within the tolerance window will be green by default.
The slider bar outside the tolerance window will be yellow by default.
The color of the numbers in the text box below the slider will match the
color of the region of the slider where the displayed value is located;
i.e. they will be green if the value is within the tolerance window, and
yellow if it is outside the tolerance window
See section 4.9.4 for a full discussion of the User Defaults feature.
Note* - the user may select the direction of rotation for the control knobs when scrolling through lists.
To select the direction of rotation:
Press the CONFIG button between the two screens.
In the Right Hand screen, select CONTROL - KNOBS