4. Comissioning
MiR AI Camera Getting started (en) 09/2019 - v.1.0 ©Copyright 2019: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S.
The available objects match the labels created in MiR AI Training Tool. Select the object
or objects you would like to trigger an action when the camera detects them. In this case,
is the selected target object that will trigger an action.
Select the type of action you would like to be triggered when the camera detects the
selected object in the previous step. You are able to choose between two types of actions:
Fleet mission
enables you to choose a mission within MiRFleet that should be ini-
tialized as soon as possible when the camera detects the linked object. It can take a
few seconds for new missions to be accessible in the AI camera settings.
Lock zone
enables you to choose a Limit-robots zone and lock it, so no MiR robots may
enter if the camera detects the linked object.