microHAM © 2008 All rights reserved
Some tips from Geoff Anderson, G3NPA:
TIP: If you have achieved the correct settings for the transmit levels, you will see that changing from
the PSK tuning tone to typing text, will make the transmitter power swing from 50% (no typing) to
100% (typing or tuning-tone) as observed on an RMS or average reading meter. This change in
power is correct. If you do NOT see a 50% (or more) change, you are probably overdriving the radio.
Please note that some radios have inbuilt power meters which give a PEAK reading and therefore the
change in level discussed above will not be observed.
TIP: Don't fall into the trap of thinking that because the transmit signal on the waterfall looks good
that your actual signal is OK. All the waterfall is showing during transmit is the local audio and NOT
the resultant transmitted signal.
RX RECORDING/DIGITAL (audio recording or digital decode levels).
VU meter: this "stacked LED" displays show the audio level into the
analog to digital controller. Please note, display shows level only if a
sample rate is selected.
The RX RECORDING/DIGITAL displays are intended to be used for
setting levels only. Because of the of the way the Windows sound
system handles multiple access to the sound card, it is best to turn
off the level displays (set Sampling to off) when they are not in use.
MK2R+ does not have software controls for input level. They are not
necessary - input level is adjusted with the front panel RECORDING/
DIGITAL pots. If your software tries to control the input level of USB
Audio CODEC this attempt will generate an error message. Ignore
this error - USB Audio CODEC does not have a recording mixer.
MK2R shows sliders for the sound card line in. Keep the inputs at
about 80-90% and use front panel pots for adjustment. When
correctly adjusted, the input signal should never reach RED level.
Sampling: sets the sample rate used for the RX level displays. Because of the of the way the Windows
sound system handles multiple access to the sound card, always turn off the level displays (set Sampling:
off) when they are not in use.