microHAM © 2008 All rights reserved
Restore Router Settings: used to restore settings from a urs file created by the backup command.
A urs file can be used only with the device for which it was generated (the file contains the unit serial
number) on a computer with same port assignments.
WARNING: Restoring a backup deletes all current Router settings including presets, use it carefully!
Backup Router Settings: used to create backup urs file.
This file contains Router settings (including Presets) for all devices defined in Router.
Options | General
Load Router on Start-up: when checked, Router will start automatically each time the computer is
started or rebooted.
Start Router Minimized: when checked, Router will started minimized
Options | Band Map: Customizable band edge boundaries used to drive the band data output. BCD codes can
be customized for driving antenna switches or bandpass filter control.
Options | Digital Band Map: Customizable band boundaries for the digital mode operation. These settings are
used for the (optional) automatic selection of audio switching and PTT mode based on operating
frequency. Careful selection of the "Digital band" is neccessary for transceivers which do not have a
special mode for AFSK operation or do not report the mode in the computer command set. This
primarily effects Kenwood and TenTec transceivers although it applies to some older Icom and Yaesu
Options | Audio Devices:
(Not used with MK2R/MK2R+)
Don't use audio devices: when checked, Router does not use audio devices and the settings on the
Audio Mixer and DVK tabs have no effect.
Manually assign audio devices: when checked, Router will allow the user to select audio devices
(sound card) in the appropriate fields at Audio Mixer tab and will actively control the audio devices
Automatically assign microHAM audio devices: when checked, Router will automatically assign
proper audio device of the same name if multiple microHAM interfaces of the same kind are
connected to the one computer. This setting does not apply to MK2R or MK2R+, it applies only to
DIGI Keyer.
Options | DVK:
Voice message time limit: maximum time for each voice message up to 120 seconds.
Sample rate: sampling frequency used during recording and playback of voice messages.
Sample size: sampling size used during recording of voice messages. Sampling size primarily effects
audio quality of the messages. 16bit samples provide higher quality than 8bit.
NOTE: Select the same sample rate and size as used by your software to avoid message distortion.
Options | USB:
Noise immunity: selects how many times an undelivered USB packet will be repeated before the USB
device is disconnected from the operating system.
Response time: selects how long the USB interface will wait for additional data before sending data to
the operating system.
Minimize: Clicking this will minimize Router to the system tray
at the bottom right corner of the Windows Task Bar (the
"System Notification Area").