microHAM © 2008 All rights reserved
The station microphone is connected to the sound card mic input except when the foot
switch or microphone PTT is pressed. When the microphone PTT or foot switch is pressed, the
microphone is connected to the radio. This setting allows use of VOX or manual PTT, off air
recording of voice messages, and allows interrupting playback of a recorded message by pressing
the microphone PTT or foot switch.
VOICE (CmCmCm) – The station microphone is always connected to the sound card mic input. This is the
same as above but when the foot switch or hand mic PTT is pressed, the microphone remains
connected to the sound card.
VOICE (CmBA) – Special setting for radios which use the rear panel audio input for DVK input during voice
operation (N1MM Logger with TenTec Orion or Orion II). Do not use with other loggers or radios.
VOICE (ABA) – Special setting for SSTV mode. The microphone is connected to the radio microphone jack
and allows VOX or foot switch VOICE operation. When an image is being transmitted, the sound
card audio is connected to the transceiver rear audio input (Kenwood, TenTec, and Icom
transceivers) and the mic is disconnected. This setting is not recommended for DVK operation with
Icom transceivers.
FSK/DIGITAL (BBB) – The station microphone is disconnected and the computer generated audio is
applied to the radio’s rear panel audio input. This setting is recommended for all digital mode
operation regardless of keying type (FSK or AFSK).
FSK/DIGITAL (CCC) – The computer generated audio is connected to connected to the radio front panel
mic jack and the sound card microphone input is muted. This setting is recommended ONLY for
older radios and the Elecraft K2 that do not have rear panel audio input for digital modes.
NOTE: Some "C" settings may not operate properly with Windows Vista. Microsoft has disabled "echo to
output" in the Vista sound support.
Router will show a black box around the selected mode/audio configuration.
MK2R must know which channel of the sound card to use for RADIO1 and
which for RADIO2. This is done with the Left / Right selector labeled Use
line out channel. When the Left channel is assigned to RADIO1, RADIO2
is automatically assigned the Right channel and vice versa. Because there
is no standard, you can configure MK2R to match your software using this
Note: The Audio Switching is set independently for RADIO1 and RADIO2.
Be sure to configure both!