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Line Scanner Mode
thermoIMAGER TIM Connect
Line Scanner Mode
General Information
The TIM Connect software comes with a line scanner
function. The line scanner mode is generally used for
continuous processes with moving objects under test,
such as measurement of rotary kilns or measurement of
great lots at conveyor belts (batch process).
Overview of the advantages:
Simple monitoring of process with limited opti-
cal access.
Indirect visualization of heat distribution within
ovens via camera installation at the oven exit.
Extension of number of pixel through the use of
the picture diagonal (e.g. TIM 160).
Very fast data recording of unlimited lines
which-in turn can produce thermal images of
any resolution.
Huge FOV as a line for detailed process analy-
sis such as at wide conveyor belts (e.g. TIM 160
with an 72° optic).
Fig. 109 View line scanner mode