Micro-Air, Inc.
Page 22
EasyTouch 2.5 Operations Manual
Rev 1.0 8/27/14
11.1.19 Inside Temp Sensor Selection (AUTO / DISPLAY / ALT. AIR;
This parameter determines how the EasyTouch selects the temperature sensor to for inside
temperature control. By default, setting this parameter to AUTO causes EasyTouch to use
the display sensor if no other sensors are found. If the Alternate (Remote) Air sensor is
plugged into the FX1 or FX2 main circuit board will use this sensor for inside temperature. Or,
if the combo Temperature/Humidity sensor is plugged into the FX2 Humidity Control option
board, the EasyTouch will use this sensor for the inside temperature. If at any time, the
inside temperature sensor selection needs to be set regardless of what is plugged in to the
main circuit board, setting this parameter to “DISPLAY” or “ALT. AIR” will force EasyTouch to
use the corresponding sensor for inside temperature.
11.1.20 Fan Operational Mode (CONTINUOUS, CYCLED;
This parameter controls the operational mode of the fan. The fan can be set to run
continuously whenever the system is turned on, or it can be set to cycle on and off in
conjunction with the cooling or heating cycles.
11.1.21 Dual Temp Set Points (OFF/ON;
This parameter controls whether the EasyTouch uses a single, common set point for both
cooling and heating (displayed in yellow), or two separate set points for cooling and heating
(displayed in blue and red, respectively). When this parameter is set to ON, two set points
become visible on the Home and Main screens whenever selecting the various temperature
display indicators. Whenever the set point is adjusted, the cooling set point is always
displayed and adjusted by default. The heating set point can only be adjusted by first
changing the temperature display to show the heating set point (temporarily or permanently),
and then adjusting the set point thereafter using the UP and DOWN buttons. See section 8
for more information on how to change the current temperature display.
The use of dual set points in AUTO mode requires that the cooling set point always be
greater than the heating set point, and vice versa. The EasyTouch automatically maintains
this separation between the heating and cooling set points as the Set Point Temperature
Differential (see section 11.1.14) + 2°F/1°C. For example, by default, if the heating set point
is 68°F and the cooling set point is 72°F, if the cooling set point is lowered to 70°F, the
heating set point is automatically reduced to 66° in order to maintain this separation.
Whenever the cooling set point is raised, the heating set point will be unaffected. The
opposite behavior is true when adjusting the heating set point.
Also, when the Dual Temp Set Points parameter is ON, the Program Scheduler displays and
allows adjustment of both the cooling and heating set points. See section 12 for more
information on the Program Scheduler.
11.2 DX Operational Settings
To access the DX Operational Settings, go to the Main Menu, select Control Parameters, and then
select DX Operational Settings. The DX Operational Settings Menu consists of 7 items on 3 pages
as shown in Figure 14.