BBV, SBV Series Natural Vent Gas Fireplaces
e ollo in components are arranted or li e to t e ori inal o ner sub ect to proo o purc ase
irebo ombustion
amber eat
c an er rate and tainless teel urners
e ollo in components are arranted or ive
years to t e ori inal o ner sub ect to proo o
purc ase eramic iber o s
arrants t e components and materials in your as appliance to be ree rom manu acturin
and material de ects or a period o t o
years rom date o installation ter installation i any o
t e components manu actured by
in t e appliance are ound to be de ective in materials or
orkmans ip
ill at its option replace or repair t e de ective components at no c ar e to
t e ori inal o ner
ill also pay or reasonable labor costs incurred in replacin or repairin
suc components or a period o t o
years rom date o installation ny products presented or
arranty repair must be accompanied by a dated proo o purc ase
is imited i etime arranty ill be void i t e appliance is not installed by a uali ied installer
in accordance it t e installation instructions
e imited i etime arranty ill also be void i
t e appliance is not operated and maintained accordin to t e operatin instructions supplied it
t e appliance and does not e tend to
irebo burner assembly dama e by accident ne lect
misuse abuse alterations ne li ence o ot ers includin t e installation t ereo by un uali ied
t e cost o removal reinstallation or transportation o de ective parts on t e appliance
incidental or conse uential dama e ll service ork must be per ormed by an aut ori ed
service representative
is arranty is e pressly in lieu o ot er arranties e press or implied includin t e arranty
o merc antability o itness or purpose and o all ot er obli ations or liabilities
does not
assume or it any ot er obli ations or liabilities in connection it sale or use o t e appliance In
states t at do not allo limitations on o lon an implied arranty lasts or do not allo e clusion
o indirect dama e t ose limitations o e clusions may not apply to you ou may also ave ad
ditional ri ts not covered in t e imited i etime arranty
reserves t e ri t to investi ate any and all claims a ainst t e imited i etime arranty
and decide upon met od o settlement
ontact your supplier ake sure you ave your arranty your sales receipt and t e model se
rial number o your
Содержание 400BBNSC
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