BBV, SBV Series Natural Vent Gas Fireplaces
is product must be installed by a licensed plumber or as itter
en installed it in t e ommon ealt o assac usetts
ny residence it a direct vent product must ave a
detector installed in t e residence
Installation o t e ireplace or vented as lo in t e tate o
assac usetts re uires t e damper to be permanently removed
or elded in t e ully open position
In addition a naturally vented as lo may not be installed in a
bedroom or bat room in t e tate o assac usetts
le line installation must not e ceed
inc es and must ave
a s uto valve
is product must be installed by a licensed plumber or as itter
en installed it in t e ommon ealt o assac usetts
In addition vent ree products may not be installed in a
bedroom or bat room re ardless o si e or type in t e tate o
assac usetts
le line installation must not e ceed
inc es and must ave
a s uto valve
by addin t e
ollo in additional
re uirements
or all side
all ori ontally vented as ueled
e uipment installed in every d ellin buildin or structure used
ole or in part or residential purposes includin t ose
o ned or operated by t e ommon ealt and
ere t e side
all e aust vent termination is less t an seven
eet above
inis ed rade in t e area o t e ventin includin but not
limited to decks and porc es t e ollo in re uirements s all
be satis ied
Installation of carbon monoxide detectors.
t t e time
o installation o t e side all ori ontal vented as ueled
e uipment t e installin plumber or as itter s all observe
t at a ard ired carbon mono ide detector it an alarm and
battery back up is installed on t e loor level
ere t e as
e uipment is to be installed In addition t e installin plumber
or as itter s all observe t at a battery operated or ard ired
carbon mono ide detector it an alarm is installed on eac
additional level o t e d ellin buildin or structure served by
t e side all ori ontal vented as ueled e uipment It s all be
t e responsibility o t e property o ner to secure t e services o
uali ied licensed pro essionals or t e installation o ard ired
carbon mono ide detectors
a In t e event t at t e side all ori ontally vented as
ueled e uipment is installed in a cra l space or an attic t e
ard ired carbon mono ide detector it alarm and battery
back up may be installed on t e ne t ad acent loor level
b In t e event t at t e re uirements o t is subdivision
can not be met at t e time o completion o installation t e
o ner s all ave a period o t irty
days to comply it t e
above re uirements provided o ever t at durin said t irty
day period a battery operated carbon mono ide detector
it an alarm s all be installed
Massachusetts Residents Only — Please read and follow these special requirements
Approved Carbon Monoxide Detectors.
ac carbon
mono ide detector as re uired in accordance it t e above
provisions s all comply it
and be
listed and I
certi ied
metal or plastic identi ication plate s all be
permanently mounted to t e e terior o t e buildin at a
minimum ei t o ei t
eet above rade directly in line it
t e e aust vent terminal or t e ori ontally vented as ueled
eatin appliance or e uipment e si n s all read in print si e
no less t an one al
inc in si e
e state or local as inspector o t e side all
ori ontally vented as ueled e uipment s all not approve t e
installation unless upon inspection t e inspector observes
carbon mono ide detectors and si na e installed in accordance
it t e provisions o
a t rou
e ollo in e uipment is e empt rom
a t rou
e e uipment listed in
uipment ot
e uired o e ented in t e most current edition o
as adopted by t e oard and
roduct pproved side all ori ontally vented as ueled
e uipment installed in a room or structure separate rom t e
d ellin buildin or structure used in
ole or in part or
residential purposes
Manufacturer requirements — Gas Equipment Venting
System Provided.
en t e manu acturer o
pproved side all ori ontally vented as e uipment provides
a ventin system desi n or ventin system components it
t e e uipment t e instructions provided by t e manu acturer
or installation o t e e uipment and t e ventin system s all
Detailed instructions or t e installation o t e ventin system
desi n or t e ventin system components and
complete parts list or t e ventin system desi n or ventin
Manufacturer requirements — Gas Equipment Venting
System Not Provided.
en t e manu acturer o a roduct
pproved side all ori ontally vented as ueled e uipment
does not provide t e parts or ventin t e lue ases but
identi ies special ventin systems t e ollo in re uirements
s all be satis ied by t e manu acturer
e re erenced special ventin system instructions s all
be included
it t e appliance or e uipment installation
instructions and
e special ventin systems s all be roduct pproved by
t e oard and t e instructions or t at system s all include a
parts list and detailed installation instructions
copy o all installation instructions or all roduct
pproved side all ori ontally vented as ueled e uipment
all ventin instructions all parts lists or ventin instructions
and or all ventin desi n
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