MHSC 400BBNSC Скачать руководство пользователя страница 10

BBV, SBV Series Natural Vent Gas Fireplaces




ee  ventin   installation  instructions  provided  by  t e 

ent manu acturer








D  usin  

 vent type pipe t at  as been listed by a nationally rec

o ni ed testin  a ency

e er to 

ent  ipe  i in  c art  or proper elbo  o set 


imney centerline dimensions are re erenced on 


    ,  igures     



inimum vertical c imney  ei t     as measured 

rom top o  unit to top o  termination


a imum  vertical  ei t     

  as  measured  rom 

top o  unit to top o  termination


inimum  c imney  ei t  it   t o 


  elbo s 



lbo   re uirements   llo   a  ma imum  o   t o 


 elbo s or  our 


 elbo s per installation


NOTE: Two (2) 45° elbows = one (1) 90° elbow


ori ontal run must never e ceed 

 o  t e  ei t 

o  t e vent system   ori ontal runs are measured 
center pipe to center pipe


ori ontal runs must  ave a minimum 

 rise per 

oot and may not run level or do n  ill

Attaching 4” Flue to BBV:


e  irst  section  o  

vent  lue  s ould  overlap 

t e  appliance  collar  

e  appliance  collar  may  be 

crimped to ease t e installation o  t e  irst section 
o   lue


Do not penetrate t e pipe inner liner  it  s eet met
al scre s   ttac  t e initial  lue section to t e top 
o  t e  irebo  c assis  it  

 sel tappin  scre s 

and  plumbers  strap   ttac   t e  strap  to ard  t e 
bottom o  t e  lue section and pull taut  or proper 
tension to t e  irebo

Attaching 6” Flue to SBV:


e   appliance collar is sli tly lar er t at t e in

ner  all o  most  vent   pipe sections  Install t e 

irst  section  o  

vent  by  slippin   t e  lue s  inner 

all tot  e inside o  t e appliance collar   e  vent 

outer  all  ill  slip  to  t e  outside  o   t e  appliance 

  Do not penetrate t e pipe inner line  it  s eet met

al scre s   ttac  t e initial  lue section tot  e top 
o  t e  irebo  c assis  it  

 sel tappin  scre s 

and  plumber s  strap   ttac   t e  strap  to ard  t e 
bottom o  t e  lue section and pull taut  or proper 
tension to t e  irebo

Support the Pipe


upport  ori ontal runs a minimum o  every  ive 


eet   e er  to  vent  manu acturer s  instructions  or 

proper support on vertical runs 

 or less


upport o sets so t e  ei t o  t e pipe is not bear

in  do n on t e elbo s



Read all instructions completely and thoroughly before attempting installation. 
Failure to do so could result in serious injury, property damage or loss of life. 
Operation of improperly installed and maintained venting system could result in 
serious injury, property damage or loss of life.


Failure  to  follow  these  in-
structions will void the war-


onsult local buildin  codes be ore be innin  t e instal


e installer must make sure to select t e proper 

vent system  or installation   e ore installin  vent kit  t e 
installer must read t is  ireplace manual and vent kit in

nly  a  uali ied  installer service  person  s ould  install 

ventin   system  

e  installer  must  ollo   t ese  sa ety 



ear  loves and sa ety  lasses  or protection


se e treme caution 

en usin  ladders or 


on roo tops


e a are o  electrical  irin  locations in  alls and 

ceilin s

e  ollo in  actions  ill void t e  arranty on your vent

in  system


Installation o  any dama ed ventin  component


naut ori ed modi ication o  t e ventin  system


Installation  o   any  component  part  not  manu ac
tured or approved by 


Installation  ot er  t an  permitted  by  t ese  instruc

B-Vent Pipe Sizing





Содержание 400BBNSC

Страница 1: ...ion adjustment alteration services or maintenance can cause injury or property damage Refer to this man ual For assistance or additional information consult a qualified installer service agency or the...

Страница 2: ype Install as ipin to ireplace urner Check Gas Pressure Millivolt 16 Electrical Installation 16 lectrical irin emote all ounted itc lectronic ilot I nition irin Operating Instructions Millivolt 1...

Страница 3: ...tions ever install t e ireplace in a recreational ve icle ere curtains urniture clot in or ot er lam mable ob ects are less t an rom t e ront top or sides o t e ireplace in i tra ic areas in indy or d...

Страница 4: ...ry not approved or use it t is ireplace e ireplace is not intended or use it a t ermo stat is appliance must be installed it dra t ood in same atmosp eric pressure one as t e combustion air inlet to t...

Страница 5: ...t provincial and or local au t orities avin urisdiciton or installation at elevations above eet m GAS PRESSURES atural ropane Inlet inimum c c Inlet a imum c c ani old ressure c c GAS SPECIFICATIONS O...

Страница 6: ...1102 mm 6 1 5 6 M 1 5 5 6 m m 3 0 6 7 7 8 m m 43 6 1102 mm 624037 400BBV dims 6 152 mm Figure 2 400BBV Fireplace and Framing Dimen sions FIREPLACE FRAMING irebo ramin can be built be ore or a ter t e...

Страница 7: ...244 mm 624037 400BBV dims D M in R ough O pening W idth 656O 165 mm 13 6QE 341 mm E F G G 6 152 mm 1 2 or 5 8 D ry w al l Spacers C Figure 3 400SBV 500SBV Fireplace and Framing Dimensions Ref 400SBV...

Страница 8: ...ct t e ront openin o t e ireplace Do not install in t e vicinity ere asoline or ot er lammable li uids may be stored ent pipe routin e er to entin section ound in t is manual or allo able ventin con i...

Страница 9: ...o final finishing to avoid costly reconstruction Never obstruct or modify the air inlet This may create a fire hazard nly noncombustible materials i e brick tile slate steel or ot er materials it a ir...

Страница 10: ...r all ill slip to t e outside o t e appliance collar Do not penetrate t e pipe inner line it s eet met al scre s ttac t e initial lue section tot e top o t e irebo c assis it sel tappin scre s and plu...

Страница 11: ...especially important in cold climates Insulation should be considered a combustible ma terial Maintain proper clearances to all combustible materials NOTICE Treatment of firestops and construction of...

Страница 12: ...tion ake sure t e location cannot be accidentally blocked ocate assembly above sno line to prevent sno rom blockin assembly ever mount combustion air inlet assem bly in ara e or stora e area ere com b...

Страница 13: ...t it a standard pocket kni e igure WARNING DO NOT remove the cover if the outside air will not be connected Do not use a combustible duct Always use UL Listed Class 0 or 1 duct material If nec essary...

Страница 14: ...a e could occur Install e ternal re ulator it t e vent pointin do n as s o n in igure ointin t e vent do n protects it rom ree in rain or sleet WARNING A qualified installer or service person must con...

Страница 15: ...gas valve is for turning on or shutting off the gas to the fireplace eck your buildin codes or any special re uirements or locatin e uipment s ut o valve to ireplaces pply pipe oint sealant li tly to...

Страница 16: au e over test point urn unit to i igure ter takin pressure readin be sure and turn captured scre clock ise irmly to reseal Do not over tor ue eck test points or as leaks WARNING Do not use open fl...

Страница 17: ...t e all s itc ire len t provided NOTE Extended lengths of wire may cause the fireplace not to function properly Longer length of wire is permitted if the wire is made out of larger gauge diameter wir...

Страница 18: ...tem Wiring Diagram REMOTE WALL SWITCH osition t e all s itc Do not e tend beyond t e o ire OPTIONAL DC REMOTE SYSTEMS ese instructions replace t e section entitled eart ount in t e illivolt and eld re...

Страница 19: ...our and to pus in or turn t e as control knob ever use tools I t e knob ill not pus in or turn by and don t try to repair it all a uali ied service tec nician orce or attempted repair may result in a...

Страница 20: a soap and water solu tion to test for leaks DO NOT spray solution onto control body DANGER Never check for gas leaks with open flame NOTE Remove any excessive pipe compound from the connec tions E...

Страница 21: ...n to li t t e main burner igure LIGHTING THE BURNER Depress and turn t e knob counterclock ise to t e position ig ure It ill take less t an our seconds or t e burner to i nite PILOT POSITION Depress a...

Страница 22: ...i any part o it as been under ater Immediately call a uali ied service tec nician to inspect t e appliance and to replace any pat o t e control system and any as control t at as been under ater LIGHT...

Страница 23: ...aks Do not use open flame to check for gas leaks ELECTRICAL WIRING General is ireplace is e uipped it t e i nature ontrol valve ic operates on volts e volt D adapter plu s into t e ireplace unction bo...

Страница 24: ...tion on t e all Do not e tend beyond t e t ire cable provided I a lon er distance is re uired t e t may be e tended up to t ma imum by usin t o cables plu ed to et er oute t e ire rom unction bo to lo...

Страница 25: in C onnector Stepper M otor to C ontrol Board D C P ow er G reen G round P l ug in C onnector C ontrol Board to Sol enoid G as I n G as O ut P il ot G as T ub ing Val v e Spil l Sw itch ELECTRICAL...

Страница 26: ...e as supplier s instructions I you cannot reac your as supplier call t e ire department C se only your in er to pus in t e master s itc ever use tools I t e s itc ill not unc tion by and do not try to...

Страница 27: do not smell as o to ne t step ress t e master s itc to t e position it in ei t seconds it ill beep once is indi cates t e system is ready ress button parker ill spark and pilot lame ill li t nce...

Страница 28: ...components 8 08 eceiver onversion o ermopile o ensor o parker o ommand enter o tepper otor o alve attery Door aster itc D Control Board Command Center Figure 28 Signature Command System Components dap...

Страница 29: t e learn unction can be in se paper clip to depress button ne beep or receiver or t o beeps or receiver ill be iven as con irmation e er to i ure or location ter t e receiver is on oldin t e butto...

Страница 30: imum lame ei t ress t e button to decrease lame ei t e irst t o presses ill decrease t e lame ei t to medium and lo e t ird press on ill turn o t e main burner In standin pilot con i uration t e pi...

Страница 31: ...poorly and may lead to sooting LOG PLACEMENT igure lace rear lo on rate assembly o s ould rest irmly on t e t o lo mountin pins on t e ori ontal bars lace bottom le t lo on rate est t e back side o t...

Страница 32: ...ent en t e ireplace is in operation igure e pilot lame as t ree distinct lames one en ul in t e t ermo pile one en ul in t e t ermocouple or sensor and t e ot er reac in to t e main burner BURNER Insp...

Страница 33: ...eanin acuum sur ace o t e lo s it a brus attac ment I lo s must be removed or cleanin andle care ully by oldin ently at eac end loves are recom mended to prevent skin irritation rom ceramic ibers I sk...

Страница 34: ...t ermocouple connection at t e as valve is ully inserted and ti t Disconnect t e t ermocouple rom t e valve place one mil livolt lead ire on t e tip o t e t ermocouple and t e ot er meter lead ire on...

Страница 35: ...ot b urner ori es b l ock ed B C h eck el ectrical connections b etw een modul e and pil ot operator on gas control C C h eck f or 24VA C across P V M VP V terminal s If voltage is correct replace ga...

Страница 36: ...ative air pressure locka e or restriction in ventin ACTION Install lo set per instructions Inspect t e in ector and air intake area ake sure t is area does not ave any blocka e rom debris and clean ec...

Страница 37: ...ol arity w rong L E D on th e C ommand C enter does not sh ow sol id green T h e 5 pin connector on th e A C b oard b rok en or b ent A C pl ug is pl ugged to A C mains Battery v ol tage l ow U sing b...

Страница 38: ...BBV SBV Series Natural Vent Gas Fireplaces REPLACEMENT PARTS FIREBOX COMPONENTS 4a 4b 4c 624037 BBV SBV firebox parts 1 2 3 5 6 7...

Страница 39: ...n a D D a e t e ractory n a D D b iddle e ractory n a D D c i t e ractory n a D D Optional Field Installed Accessoriesd irebrick ssembly n a n a utside ir it lack lass Door ssembly D D D olis ed rass...

Страница 40: ...BBV SBV Series Natural Vent Gas Fireplaces REPLACEMENT PARTS STANDING PILOT MILLIVOLT CONTROL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 2T 2I 2C 9 11 6 3 6 CONTR PARTS...

Страница 41: ...ple D D D D D D I eplacement I niter and ire D D D D D D eplacement ermopile D D D D D D urner ube D D D D D D le ose it ut o alve D D D D D D ocker itc D D D D D D ie o I niter D D D D D D In ector D...

Страница 42: ...BBV SBV Series Natural Vent Gas Fireplaces REPLACEMENT PARTS ELECTRONIC IGNITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 10 11 12 6 3 6 ELECTRONIC IGNITION PARTS...

Страница 43: ...V 400SBVNV 400SBVPV 500SBVNV 500SBVPV as alve ssembly D D D D D D ilot ssembly D D D D D D urner ube D D D D D D le ose it ut o alve D D D D D D ocker itc D D D D D D In ector D D D D D urner ssembly...

Страница 44: ...BBV SBV Series Natural Vent Gas Fireplaces REPLACEMENT PARTS 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 12 14 15 13 624037 BBV SBV Signature command parts SIGNATURE COMMAND SYSTEM...

Страница 45: ...D D D urner ube D D D D D D le ose uto alve D D D D D D In ector D D D D D urner ssy D D D D D D enturi D D D D D D ire alve ontrol D D D D D D not s o n ire ommand enter D D D D D D ontrol o not s o...

Страница 46: ...installation t e o ner s all ave a period o t irty days to comply it t e above re uirements provided o ever t at durin said t irty day period a battery operated carbon mono ide detector it an alarm s...

Страница 47: ...uctions e imited i etime arranty ill also be void i t e appliance is not operated and maintained accordin to t e operatin instructions supplied it t e appliance and does not e tend to irebo burner ass...

Страница 48: ...MHSC leveland Drive aris entucky m sc com...
