BBV, SBV Series Natural Vent Gas Fireplaces
lease leave t ese instructions it t e appliance
lease retain t ese instructions or uture re erence
is ireplace is a decorative as appliance is ireplace
must be properly installed by a uali ied service person
arly si ns o
carbon mono ide poisonin are similar to t e lue it
eadac es di iness and or nausea I you ave t ese
si ns t e ireplace may not ave been installed properly
et res air at once ave t e ireplace inspected and
serviced by a uali ied service person ome people are
more a ected by carbon mono ide t an ot ers
include pre nant omen people it eart or lun dis
ease or anemia t ose under t e in luence o alco ol and
t ose at i altitudes
as and natural as are bot odorless n
odor makin a ent is added to eac o t ese ases
odor elps you detect a as leak o ever t e odor add
ed to t ese ases can ade as may be present even
t ou no odor e ists
ake certain you read and understand all arnin s eep
t is manual or re erence It is your uide to sa e and
proper operation o t is ireplace
is appliance is only or use it t e type o as in
dicated on t e ratin plate
is appliance is not con
vertible or use it ot er ases unless a certi ied kit
is used
or propane
ireplace do not place propane
supply tank s inside any structure ocate propane
supply tank s outdoors o prevent per ormance
problems do not use propane
uel tank o less
t an
lbs capacity
I you smell as
s ut o as supply
do not try to li t any appliance
do not touc any electrical s itc do not use any
p one in your buildin
immediately call your as supplier rom a nei
bor s p one ollo t e as supplier s instruc
ever install t e ireplace
in a recreational ve icle
ere curtains urniture clot in or ot er lam
mable ob ects are less t an
rom t e ront top
or sides o t e ireplace
in i tra ic areas
in indy or dra ty areas
is ireplace reac es i temperatures eep c il
dren and adults a ay orm ot sur aces to avoid
burns or clot in i nition ireplace ill remain ot or
a time a ter s utdo n llo sur aces to cool be ore
touc in
are ully supervise youn c ildren
en t ey are in
t e room it ireplace
Do not modi y ireplace under any circumstances ny
parts removed or servicin must be replaced prior to
operatin ireplace
urn ireplace o and allo to cool be ore servicin
installin or repairin nly a uali ied service person
s ould install service or repair t e ireplace ave
burner system inspected annually by a uali ied ser
vice person
ou must keep control compartments burners and
circulatin air passa es clean ore re uent clean
in may be needed due to e cessive lint and dust
orm carpetin beddin material pet air etc turn
o t e as valve and pilot li t be ore cleanin ire
ave ventin system inspected annually by a uali
ied service person I needed ave ventin system
cleaned or repaired e er to
leaning and ainte
eep t e area around your ireplace clear o combus
tible materials asoline and ot er lammable vapor
and li uids Do not run ireplace
ere t ese are
used or stored Do not place items suc as clot in
or decorations on or around ireplace
Do not use t is ireplace to cook ood or burn paper or
ot er ob ects
ever place anyt in on top o ireplace
ontinued on age
Read this owner’s manual carefully and completely before trying to assemble, operate,
or service this fireplace.
Any change to this fireplace or its controls can be dangerous.
Improper installation or use of this fireplace can cause serious injury or death from
fire, burns, explosions, electrical shock and carbon monoxide poisoning.
Содержание 400BBNSC
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