Note the Strata 1 boiler must only be installed on sealed and pressurised systems. The maximum
working pressure of the boiler = 3 bar. A safety valve set 3.0 bar is supplied with the boiler and must be
installed onto the flow pipe adjacent to the boiler. It is recommended that the final working pressure (hot)
of the system does not exceed 2.3 bar. Note – the appliance does NOT include an expansion vessel. A
suitable vessel must be connected to the system.
The central heating flow and return connections are 22mm OD, located at the base of the appliance
(see fig 3) and should be connected to the system pipework using compression type fittings. DO NOT
make soldered connections onto the appliance.
The COMBI BOILER includes domestic hot and cold water connections located at the base of the
appliance see fig 4. These connections are 22mm and should be connected using compression type fittings.
DO NOT make soldered connections onto the appliance.
The flow, return and domestic cold supply pipework should include isolation valves and all pipes should
include means of disconnection.
9.0 water
10.0 condense
waste connection
The condense waste connection is located at the underside rear of the appliance see fig 5.
The condense syphon cleaning point is factory fitted with a heavy grade black plastic cap which MUST
NOT BE REMOVED (see fig 5) apart from routine maintenance cleaning operations and must be in place
whenever the appliance is in operation. WARNING operating the appliance with the cap removed from
the syphon cleaning point will cause products of combustion to be discharged from the cleaning point.
The condense waste connection is a
BSP Male threaded stub fabricated from
plastic. The installer must connect to this stub, a condense waste pipe fabricated
from plastic tube and fittings (
22mm, overflow pipe is considered suitable).
Copper Tube is not acceptable. The condense waste pipe must fall continuously
from the appliance to suitable nearby drain.
If any part of the condense waste pipe is to be run external to the building or is at risk of freezing, then
the pipe must be suitably insulated to protect from freezing.
If a suitable drain for accepting the condense waste is not available nearby to, and below the boiler, (e.g.
boiler installed in a basement below ground level location), then a suitable condense sump receptacle with
a discharge pump should be installed below the boiler to remove the condense to a remote drain.
3 8 & 3 8 / 4 6 C O M B I
Fig 3.
Fig 4.
Cold Water
Inlet 22mm
Combi only
Hot Water
Outlet 22mm
Combi only