WCM1100 / WCM3100 / WCM-Serial / LHM1000 / LVM2000 User Manual
76-02-082 Rev N
37 of 169
4.4.4 WCM-Serial Configuration
The WCM-Serial has a multi-serial interface which can support many different electrical
interface standards. The multi serial interface is presented on an HD60 connector and is
compatible with standard Cisco serial cables. The interface automatically senses the
cable type that is connected, and configures itself accordingly.
The WAN Configuration Menu when a CAB-V35-FC is fitted is shown below:
Metrodata WCM-Serial "" Alarms: Major
State Up
interface V.35
mode DCE
sPeed 2048kbps
cTs control On
CD control On
DSR control On
RTS state Off
DTR state Off
First CAPITAL - select item
<escape> - exit menu
The WCM-Serial always operates in an unframed mode.