MI 3321 MultiservicerXA
Working with results
– all operating modes
12 Working with results in Machine testing, Switchgear
testing and All tests operating mode
12.1 Memory organization
The Machine, Switchgear and All tests operating mode are sharing the same memory
structure. Because of differences in the testing procedures and number of test points in
machines and switchgears this memory structure differs and is separated from that for
the PAT testing operating mode.
The memory structure is divided into
Memory locations
– Projects
. There is no limit
for storing single tests into each Project.
Each Memory location - Project includes a header where general data can be stored:
- Device number and its name,
- Test site and location,
- Retest period,
- Repairing code,
- Comments.
Two lines of text (level 1 and level 2) can be added to each measurement. The texts are
usually used to describe the location of measurement.
Stored data and measurements can be:
- Recalled and viewed,
- Sent to PC,
- Test report can be printed out to serial printer.
12.2 Saving single test results
A single test can be saved by pressing
(F4) key after a single test was carried
out. The
Project Save results
menu displays the memory location - Project number
where the last single test was saved will be offered.
The memory location
– Project number header is displayed first. Before storing the
single test into instruments memory it is possible to edit the Project header.
Project Save results menu