Fig. 10 Buttons on the electronic meter index
The electronic meter index is equipped with 4 buttons:
Reset button (RST)
Increment button (INC)
Shift button (SHT)
Setting button(SET)
The user can change, set and save various parameters on site using the corresponding
buttons or combination of buttons.
The process for changing the parameters is described in section 12, page 29.
Power supply
Power is supplied to the MQMe Quantometer via an internal 3.6 V lithium battery with a
power consumption of <0.7 mW. The calculated service life of the lithium battery under
standard conditions is 5 years. The charging status of the battery is shown on the LCD
display. If the battery voltage falls below 3.0 V, the battery status display flashes “
”. This
indicates that the battery must be replaced within 30 days. The electronics in the MQMe
Quantometer permanently monitor the voltage from the internal lithium battery.
The process for replacing the battery is described in section 9.1, page 16.
Alternatively, the MQMe Quantometer can be operated using an optional external power
supply. The internal battery is not active in this case. The terminal assignments for the
external power supply are described in Fig. 11 to Fig. 15.
The electronic meter index on the MQMe Quantometer is equipped with 512 kB non-
volatile EEPROM memory that can store 1500 data records and all parameters.