In most installations, a 16" non-combustible protector is required in front of the unit’s glass door
surface on the floor or raised hearth. This protection can be any non-combustible material such
as 24-gauge sheet metal, tile, brick, concrete board, etc. Please note that the required 16” clear-
ance starts at the front face of the glass door. If replacing a wood-burning insert with this gas in-
sert, the existing and approved hearth protection will provide adequate floor protection as long as
the hearth protector protrudes at least 16” out from the front surface of the door glass.
If a raised hearth extends less than 16", refer to the diagram above and the following procedure
to see if additional floor protection is required.
Project a line (using string or a tape measure) from the lower edge of the glass window to the
edge of the raised hearth, continuing on to the floor. If the point of intersection with the floor is
beyond 16" from the Insert, then no further floor protection is required. If the intersection is less
than 16" from the Insert then additional non-combustible floor protection is required to meet the
minimum 16".
For installations where the fireplace is raised 6" or more above the floor, or if the existing floor is
non-combustible (stone, brick, etc.), a non-combustible protector is not required.