The unit utilizes surface mount technology (SMT) and other components which require little or no
service except for routine cleaning, etc. The unit should be serviced in a clean atmosphere away from
energized electrical circuits.
7.1.1 Examine the unit every six months for:
Dust and Dirt
To clean the unit, never use spray liquids or industrial
cleaners. Some cleaning solvents can damage electrical
components, and should never be used. Use a lightly damp
cloth (not dripping wet) to wipe off the unit. Remove dust
with dry, low pressure, compressed air.
Remove moisture as much as possible by putting the test set
in a warm, dry environment.
7.1.2 Upgrading STVI Software
Upgrade via Megger Website
To download the newest STVI software from the Megger website,
Get the serial number of your unit.
Go to
Log In
. If you have not registered before you will need to do so first.
Go to
Software Downloads
Click on
You will see instructions to enter the serial number of the STVI unit, and then click on
The serial number is 12 digits long. Make sure you enter all 12 digits. There will be two versions
of the software. One is for your PC and one is for the STVI. For the STVI unit, go to the
software for STVI Installation or Upgrade
and press on the Click Here link. The software will be
downloaded onto your PC as a zip file. Unzip the file,
Select All
files, and
to a USB memory
stick, or create a file on your PC for storage to unzip or extract to a file.
Upgrade via Compact Disk
Where internet access may not be available or blocked on your computer, Megger can provide a CD with
the latest version of software on it. Contact your local Megger representative to order a copy of the
How to Download STVI Software into STVI