USB-5100 Series Software Help
The Window Menu
Use the Window menu to organize several plots.
The Window menu options are:
Tabbed View:
With this option, plots are layered as tabs so you can see the file name of each open plot (or
for an unsaved data file). You can also get to this view by clicking the Tabs icon in the lower
left of the window.
Tile Horizontally:
Select this option to arrange up to five plots horizontally. If six or more plots are open,
they are tiled as a grid. You can also get to this view by clicking the Horizontal Tile icon in the lower left
of the window.
Tile Vertically:
Select this option to arrange up to five plots vertically. If six or more plots are open, they
are tiled as a grid. You can also get to this view by clicking the Vertical Tile icon in the lower left of the
You can open the same data file multiple times to create different views of the graph, then use the Tile
commands on the Window menu (or resize and move the windows manually) to see all of them at once. This is
helpful if you want to zoom in on several different areas and view them side-by-side, see the detail of a small
area while the full graph is still in view, or view each series in a different window.
The Help Menu
Use the Help menu to get more information about USB-5100 Series software, upgrade the software and certain
devices, and request help from MCC Technical Support.
The Help menu options are:
USB-5100 Series Help:
Select this option to open the help system, displaying the full table of contents.
Update Device Firmware»Update USB-5100 Series
Select these options to check if there are
firmware updates available for your USB-5100 Series device.
About USB-5100 Series:
Select this option to see which version of USB-5100 Series you are using in
Windows. This option is available from the USB-5100 Series menu on Macintosh.
The Toolbar
The toolbar is located at the top of the main USB-5100 Series window and allows point-and-click access to the
most frequently used functions. Pause the pointer over each icon on the toolbar for a description of each tool.
Opens the Launch Logger dialog box.
Opens the Readout dialog box.
Opens the Status dialog box, which displays the logger state and current readings.
Stops a logging logger.
Opens the select Device dialog box which displays available devices.
Set Default
Change the default unit type between US and SI. Any changes you make does take effect with
the next plotted file
Undoes the most recent change made to the plot.
Redoes the most recent change that was undone to the plot.
Launches the Open dialog box, from which you can open USB-5100 Series files.
Opens the Save dialog box, from which you can save the plot as a project (
) file.
Closes the currently focused plot.
Opens the Export Options dialog box, from which you can configure settings for exporting a
text file of the data (in
format) for use in spreadsheet and other applications.