2012 Mobile Climate Control
T-348 Rev. 07/2012
2.1.1 Power to Logic Board
Before starting, electrical power must be available
from the bus power supply. The system components
receive power from two sources:
a. 24 vdc power for the microprocessor electronics is
supplied through the bus interface.
b. 24 vdc, 125 amp, power from a circuit breaker in
the battery compartment supplies power for the
clutch, compressor, unloader solenoids, evapora
tor and condenser assemblies; this power is con
trolled by the Logic Board.
2.1.2 Starting
a. If the engine is not running, start the engine.
Actual start sequence depends on the operating
controls supplied. If only an ON/OFF switch is
supplied, placing the switch in the ON position
will start the system.
It is suggested the system be started in the auto
matic mode.
1. The Micromate Control Panel Display (see
Figure 1-14) may be programmed to display the
set point temperature or return air temperature.
To determine which display temperature is pro
grammed, press the TEMPERATURE button so
that the OUT SIDE AIR indicator is illuminated.
If the controller cycles back to the INSIDE AIR
indicator, then the controller is programmed to
display return air temperature. If the controller
does not automatically cycle back to the return air
indicator, then the controller is programmed to
display set point temperature.
2. To start the system, press the I/O button to illu
minate the indicator light and signal the Logic
Board to perform start up. Ensure the AUTO
button indicator is illuminated. If not, press the
AUTO button to place the system in the automat
ic mode. After the pre-trip inspection is com
pleted, the switches may be set in accordance with
the desired control modes.
3. If cooling only, heating only or ventilation only is
desired, press the corresponding button (refer to
Figure 1-14) to illuminate the indicator light and
place the system in that mode of operation.
4. If low or high speed evaporator fan speed is de
sired, press the FAN SPEED button to illuminate
the indicator light and bring speed to the desired
5. To open or close the fresh air damper (if sup
plied), press the FRESH AIR button to illuminate
the indicator light and bring the damper to the de
sired position.
6. To read interior or exterior temperature, press the
TEMPERATURE button to illuminate the indi
cator light and bring the display to the desired
temperature reading. After a short delay, the dis
play will return to the default set point or return
air temperature reading.
7. Setpoint may be changed by pressing the UP or
DOWN arrow button. The UP button will in
crease the setpoint temperature and the DOWN
button will decrease the setpoint temperature.
8. For additional Micromate operating data refer to
paragraph 2.4.
2.1.3 Self-Test and Diagnostics (Check for Errors
and/or Alarms)
Self-test of the main Logic Board electrical circuit is
automatically initiated when the system is powered
up. If there is an error in the circuit, an alarm will be
indicated by flashing LED's on the Logic Board. If a
Micromate is connected to the Logic Board, the
error code can also be read on the display. If there are
no errors in the circuit, system will operate normally
and flash the status LED at a one second interval.
During normal operation, the Logic Board monitors
system operating parameters for out of tolerance
conditions. If an out of tolerance condition occurs,
will be indicated through the code LED or
on the Micromate display. Refer to section 3 for
definition of system errors and alarms and general
troubleshooting procedures.
2.1.4 Stopping
Placing the ON/OFF switch in the OFF position or
pressing the Micromate ON/OFF button will stop
the system operation by removing power to the
Logic Board. Note: If OEM switches at the dash are
supplied, they will override control unless the J3 plug
on the logic board is disconnected.