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Temperature Controller METICOM CTI Series
1) When the controller receives the start trigger, it starts the run timer from the zero time position.
2) Gates open after T1 time (or screw position is T1) from the controller receives start trigger;
3) Gates close after T2 time (or screw position is T2) from the gates open;
4) Gates open again after T3 time (or screw position is T3) from the gates close;
5) Gates close after T4 time (or screw position is T4) from the gates open;
6) In the control process, when the new start trigger comes, the gate open/close cycle will be
terminated and gate close.
7) The controller waits the next new start trigger.
7.3 Gate Open/Close Trigger Modes
You have two main options that you can use to set up gate opening and gate closing times.
Time value only – you can open and close the gate using a timer.
Screw Position (and time) – if you have position sensors that detect screw ram position and feed
it back via an analogue (0~10Vdc) input, then you can set gate open and close relative to screw
position. You can also use a combination of screw position and time.
7.4 Detail Parameters for Each Gate
T 1
Gate open delay time (or screw position) from the controller receives
start trigger.
T 2
Gate open duration time (or screw position for gate closing).
T 3
Gate open again delay time (or screw position) from it close.