May 2006
/ WHISPER 3,5 / EN
Exhaust blocked.
Check the exhaust system.
Injector blocked.
Have the injector checked.
Loss of compression, sticking.
Have the compression measured.
damaged piston ring.
Clean or replace the rings.
Wear out of cylinder.
Have the compression measured and have the
engine overhauled.
Take away the overload.
Low oil level.
Fill up with oil.
Water inlet system blocked.
Check the cooling system thoroughly.
Broken impeller.
Water strainer choked
Heat exchanger choked.
Engine stops very slowly
• Engine should stop within 20 seconds
Stop solenoid is faulty an engine is stopped by
after pushing stopping button fuel shut off
5.2.3 Warnings
Generator must be shut off immediately if:
• Motor RPM suddenly rises or drops.
• Unusual noise comes from generating set.
• Exhaust gases suddenly colour dark.
• Engine failure warning light is on
Service address
If you cannot correct a problem with the aid of the mal-
function table, contact your Mastervolt Service Centre or
Mastervolt Amsterdam for an extended service list, tel: INT
Residual voltage check / excitation
When residual magnetism disappears there is no residual
voltage. Residual magnetism can disappear after the
generating set being out of service for a long period or
suffered a short circuit. This can be solved by charging the
capacitor ("flashing") independently with a small 9 Volt
battery. This can be done while the engine is stationary
and the wiring is connected.
If the generating set battery is used for
flashing one must take care. A short circuit
can cause heavy sparking, fire and injuries
When flashing does not bring back voltage, the
capacitor(s) should be renewed. When this does not help,
the rotating rectifier diodes should be tested and a winding
resistant test should be executed.
Testing rotary rectifier diodes
The diodes in the rotor can be checked with a multimeter.
When both diodes are faulty the alternator will not
generate any voltage. When only one diode is faulty the
alternator will generate about half the normal voltage. The
flexible lead connected to the diode should be
disconnected at the terminal end, and the forward and
reverse resistance checked. A healthy diode will indicate a
very high resistance (infinity) in the reverse direction, and
a low resistance in the forward direction. A faulty diode will
give a full deflection reading in both directions with the test
meter on the 10,000 ohms scale, or an infinity reading in
both directions. The problem can also be in a faulty surge
suppressor which is a metal-oxide varistor connected
across the diodes, or the ESD capacitor. Replace the
diodes, the suppressors and the capacitors.
Fig. 14.