EN / WHISPER 3,5 / May 2006
Battery charger
There is an extra winding in the alternator generating 6
Amp 12 V. This current is rectified on the control PCB to
charge the battery. Both the current and the voltage are
Alarms and shut down
In the event of malfunctioning this will be indicated by the
failure light and details will be shown on the display the
engine will be shut down. There are three functions
guarded: oil pressure, oil temperature and exhaust
Exhaust temperature too high indicates the cooling water
to be blocked.
All alarm switches are closed when no malfunction occur.
A contact is cut in the event of an alarm. This means that
the generating set will not work when the alarm switches
are broken or there is a loose wire. The system therefore
is intrinsically safe. The panel will display details about the
2.5.6 Control
The generating set can be operated by push buttons on
the panel on the alternator or by the remote control. By
pushing the start button the control system is activated
and will start the engine automatically. Pushing the STOP
button will stop the engine and the electrical system will be
deactivated. Stopping the engine is executed by the ‘pull’
solenoid, at the same time the fuel valve solenoid will shut
Remote control
All wiring connections from the remote control to the board
are made by plug in connectors.
An intermediate communication cable is in the standard
supply. If necessary an optional longer 8 wire cable can be
connected if the standard length does not suit the required
distance. Numerous remote control units can be put in
parallel by using the connectors on the back of the units.
(Refer to installation instructions)
Hour counter
The remote control offers several timer functions that
helps to schedule maintenance.
Load indicator
On the remote control the load will be indicated on the
display and by the LED-bar. The load is measured by a
current transformer on the alternator.
2.5.10 Fuel specification
The engine must only be used with diesel fuel oil which
conforms to the standards for use in modern diesel
engines. Fuel free from water and contaminants is of the
utmost importance.
2.5.11 Oil information
1 Specification:
The oil must be suitable for oil changes as specified in
the maintenance chapter. The Kubota engine must be
run on heavy duty lubricating oil meeting the
requirements of API class CC or CD.
It is very important to use the correct oil
specification. Very often local oil suppliers
recommend a higher class, because they
assume that a higher class is allowed. This is
not the case. One should not follow these
Using the wrong specification will cause high
oil consumption.
Oil viscosity:
We recommend a multigrade oil 15W40.
Oil capacity:
Excluding the oil cooler the content of the crankcase
is 1,3 l. including the oil cooler it is 1,5 l.
Do not overfill with lubricating oil as this may have a
detrimental effect on engine performance.
Oil pressure
Minimum at idle 49 Kpa (0,5 kgf/cm2 - 7psi).
Normal at 3000 rpm between 147 and 490 Kpa
(1,5 up to 5 kgf/cm2 - 21 up to 71 psi).
Minimum at 3000 rpm 98 Kpa (1,0 kgf/cm 2 - 14