Advanced protein features
Chapter 6
Zetasizer Nano accessories guide
Page 6-23
and the other values can be taken from the above.
Virial Diameter
A tool to calculate the 'virial diameter' from the measured molecular weight and 2
virial coefficient (A2).
Dynamic (DLS) Debye plot
A dynamic Debye plot can be created by inputting sample parameters and data
rather than using measured data. This feature can be useful for various reasons, for
A dynamic Debye plot can be created by inputting the concentration points
from an existing measurement, then additional concentration points can be
Any of the parameters in the dialogue box can be changed, and the other
parameters are instantly recalculated. This can be used to investigate the
sensitivity of the result to changes in any parameter. For example, by first
entering the concentration points from an existing measurement, a sample
parameter - e.g. sample temperature - can be altered, with the effect
immediately observed on the Debye plot. This saves time in performing the
original measurement again at the different temperature.