Surface zeta potential cell
Chapter 3
Zetasizer Nano accessories guide
Page 3-19
Maintenance - cleaning the SZP cell
During cleaning and use it is vital not to let any fluid enter the top and cap
area of the cell assembly.
Any cross contamination of material from one measurement to the next could
affect the result, so it is extremely important to ensure the cell is completely clean
before use.
Cuvettes used with the surface zeta potential cell
If a quartz cuvette was used for the measurement, it is recommended to clean
the cuvette with Hellmanex, and then rinse with copious amounts of de-ion-
ised water,
to reusing it.
If a plastic disposable cell was used for the measurement, it is recommended
that this is disposed of and a new one used for all subsequent measurements.
General cleaning
As a complete assembly the cell can be cleaned using de-ionised water or with a
Hellmanex solution. If Hellmanex is used, the cell
be rinsed with copious
amounts of de-ionised water,
to reusing it.
More efficient cleaning can be obtained by immersing the electrode area and sam-
ple holder in a gentle ultrasound bath (30 Watts) for 5 to 15 minutes.
Use the dispersant used for the previous sample as the cleaning fluid. If this
dispersant contains additives such as surfactants, follow this by ultrasonicating
for two minutes in the pure solvent.
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Over time, it is likely that the electrodes will become discoloured or tarnished. This
is expected, and although it cannot be cleaned, this will not affect the quality of the
data obtained.