This manual contains information required for the installation and general use of Magtrol’s WB
Series and PB Series Dynamometers. To achieve maximum capability and ensure proper use, please
read this manual in its entirety before operating. Keep the manual in a safe place for quick reference
whenever a question should arise.
This manual is intended for bench test operators who are going to use a WB Eddy-current or PB
Magnetic Powder Dynamometer in order to determine the torque and power of a motor in relation
to its speed. It is assumed that the user has sufficient knowledge in mechanics and electronics to be
able to install/operate these WB/PB Dynamometers without risk.
This section gives an overview of the structure of the manual and the information contained therein.
Some information has been deliberately repeated in different sections of the document to minimize
cross-referencing and to facilitate understanding through reiteration.
The structure of the manual is as follows:
Chapter 1:
INTRODUCTION – Contains technical data sheets of all Magtrol WB/PB Series
Dynamometers, which describe their technical characteristics and give a brief
overview of their application fields.
Chapter 2:
INSTALLATION / MOUNTING – Provides information needed for the mounting of
the dynamometers, as well as limits and precautions to observe during operation.
Chapter 3:
COOLING – Describes the necessary measures to take in order to guaranty an
optimal dynamometer operating temperature.
Chapter 4:
CONNECTION / CONFIGURATION – Provides information about the wiring
between the dynamometers and the electronic control units, as well as tandem setups
of dynamometers.
Chapter 5:
OPERATING PRINCIPLES – Describes the physical phenomena on which the Eddy-
current (WB) and magnetic powder (PB) dynamometer technology is based.
Chapter 6:
CALIBRATION – Provides recommended calibration schedules along with step-
by-step instructions for the calibration procedure.
Chapter 7:
MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR – Provides information on how to return a WB/PB
series dynamometer to Magtrol for servicing, preventative maintenance or repair.