Magtrol WB/PB Dynamometers
Chapter 1 – Introduction
WB/PB 65 S
WB/PB 65
Data Sheet
WB/PB 65 Series Eddy-Current
and Powder Dynamometers
4 Models with Maximum Torque from 10 N·m to 50
N·m (7.3 lb·ft to 36 lb·ft)
Braking Power: 1.5 kW to 12 kW
Stable Braking Torque, without Shock
Low Moment of Inertia
Low Residual Torque
Operation in Either Rotational Direction
Braking Torque Measurement Included
High Rotational Speed
Rated Torque Available From Zero Speed (Powder
Integrated Optical Speed Sensor
Eddy-Current Brake Dynamometers (WB series) are ideal for
applications requiring high speeds and also when operating in
the middle to high power range. Eddy-Current Brakes provide
increasing torque as the speed increases, reaching peak torque
at rated speed. The dynamometers have low inertia as a result
of small rotor diameter. Brake cooling is provided by a water
circulation system, which passes inside
the stator to dissipate heat generated by
the braking power. The water cooling
in the WB provides high continuous
power ratings (max. 12 kW).
Powder Brake Dynamometers (PB
series) are ideal for applications
operating in the low to middle speed
range or when operating in the middle
to high torque range. Powder Brakes
provide full torque at zero speed and
are water-cooled, allowing for power
ratings up to 3 kW. Both WB and PB Dynamometers have
accuracy ratings of ±0.3% to ±0.5% full scale, depending on
size and system configuration.
Mounted on test benches, WB/PB 65 Series Dynamometers
allow performance and reliability testing on driving elements
such as electric motors, combustion engines, hand-held power
tools, windshield wiper motors, servomotors, fans, geared
motors, reduction gears, pneumatic equipment, hydraulic
transmission systems, motors for domestic appliances, starter
motors, gas turbines and turbocompressors.
Motor testing sYsteMs
Magtrol’s M-TEST 7 Software is a state-of-the-art motor testing
program for Windows®-based data acquisition. Used with a
Magtrol DSP7000 Programmable Dynamometer Controller,
Magtrol M-TEST 7 Software provides
the control of any Magtrol Eddy-Current
or Powder Brake Dynamometer and runs
test sequences in a manner best suited to
the overall accuracy and efficiency of the
Magtrol Motor Test System. The data that
is generated by Magtrol’s Motor Testing
Software can be stored, displayed and
printed in tabular or graphic formats, and
can be easily imported into a spreadsheet.
Written in LabVIEW™, M-TEST 7 has
the flexibility to test a majority of motor types in a variety of
ways. Because of LabVIEW’s versatility, obtaining data from
other sources (e.g. thermocouples), controlling motor power
and providing audio/visual indicators is relatively easy.
Magtrol’s M-TEST 7 Software is ideal for simulating loads,
cycling the unit under test and motor ramping. Because it is
easy to gather data and duplicate tests, the software is ideal for
use in engineering labs. Tests can be programmed to run on
their own and saved for future use allowing for valuable time
savings in production testing and incoming/outgoing inspection.
Model 1 WB 65-HS Eddy-Current Dynamometer
Magtrol offers three types of dynamometer
brakes to absorb load: Hysteresis, Eddy-
Current and Magnetic Powder. Each type
of Dynamometer has advantages and
limitations and choosing the correct one will
depend largely on the type of testing to be
performed. With over 50 models to choose
from, Magtrol Sales professionals are readily
available to assist in selecting the proper
Dynamometer to meet your testing needs.