SeCtion b
SoFtware Manual
RetuRn to toC
MaCe HydRoMaCe 3000
Product Manual
RetuRn to toC
22.1 adding outputs
Select the
from the drop down
list that you wish to output. In this example the
channel named
“Flow Rate”
will be output from
“I/O Module @ 2”
“4..20mA output #1”
. Click
to complete adding the new output.
“Configure outputs”
dialogue box will re-
appear with the new output listed.
NOte: Only channels that are suitable for outputting as a 4-20ma
proportional current will be available for selection
22.1.2 Adding a pulse output
From the
“Select output type”
dialogue box highlight
“Pulse out”
and click
. The
“Select output”
dialogue box will appear.
Select the
“Digital output #X”
that you wish to use
and click
. The
“Select source channel”
dialogue box will appear.
Select the
from the drop down
list that you wish to output. In this example
the channel named
will be output from
“I/O Module @ 2”
“Digital output #1”
. Click
to add the new output. The
dialogue box will re-appear with the new output listed.
NOte: Only channels that are suitable for “pulse” outputting will be
available for selection
WarNINg: all configured output channels MUSt
be edited prior to starting the hM 3000. editing
the channel/s enables the correct configuration
information to be sent to the controller module.
From the
“HM 3000 Settings”
dialogue box click
“Configure outputs”
and the
“Configure outputs”
dialogue box will appear.
Highlight the channel you wish to edit and click
. An output specific
“Edit output”
dialogue box will appear.
Edit the settings to suit your application in the
“Edit... output”
boxes as per the recommendations found on the following page. Click
to save the settings then click
to return to the
dialogue box.
Removal of outputs
From the
“Configure outputs”
dialogue box highlight the
you wish
to remove and click
You will be prompted to confirm the removal.
22.2 editing outputs