Revision A
Cutting Action and Knife Components
Use the following tables to determine the cause of the cutting action and knife component problems and the
recommended repair procedure.
Table 6.2 Troubleshooting
Cutting Action and Knife Components
Refer to
Symptom: Ragged or uneven cutting of crop
Knife hold-down not adjusted properly
Adjust the hold-down
Knife sections or guards are worn
or broken
Replace all worn and broken
cutting parts
Replacing Pointed Center Knife
Replacing Pointed Knife Guards,
Replacing Short Knife Guards or
4.8.1 Replacing Knife Section, page
Knife is not operating at
recommended speed
Feeder house speed set too low or
knife speed not adjusted to
proper range
Checking Knife Speed, page 159
Ground speed too fast for reel speed
Reduce ground speed or increase
reel speed
Reel fingers not lifting crop properly
ahead of knife
Adjust reel position/finger pitch
3.9.11 Reel Fore-Aft Position, page
3.9.12 Reel Tine Pitch, page 178
Cutterbar too high
Lower cutting height
3.9.1 Cutting off Ground, page 120
3.9.2 Cutting on Ground, page 126
Header angle too flat
Steepen header angle
Cutting edge of guards not close
enough or parallel to knife sections
Align guards
Adjusting Knife Guards and Guard Bar,
page 344
Tangled/tough-to-cut crop
Install short knife guards
MacDon Dealer