Revision A
Do NOT use the multi-tool to release the float setting lever. Using the multi-tool to release the float setting lever can
result in injury.
30. Use the combine to fully lower the header. This will cause the left and right float setting levers to return to their
original positions.
31. The wing balance will need to be adjusted. Proceed to
3.9.4 Checking and Adjusting Wing Balance, page 148
Changing Float Spring Configuration
The float springs are configured according to the weight of the header. You may have to change the float spring
configuration if optional equipment is added or removed from the header.
To prevent injury or death from the unexpected start-up of the machine, always stop the engine and remove the key
from the ignition before leaving the operator
s seat for any reason.
This procedure is not required for the FD225 header; the float spring should be placed in the back hole of the float lever.
This procedure is not required for the FD240 double-knife header; the spring should be placed in the front hole.
This procedure is not required for the FD241 double-knife header; the spring should be placed in the front hole.
Shut down the engine, and remove the key from the ignition.
Figure 3.164: Left Float Spring
Installed in Rear Float
Lever Hole
Calculate the float spring configuration as follows:
Determine the total header weight based on Table
FD235 single knife base header weight [2600 kg
(5750 lb.)]+ vertical knives [70 kg (150 lb.)] + no
options = 2670 kg (5900 lb.)
Compare the total weight to Table
determine if the float springs should be installed in
front hole (A) or back hole (B) in the float lever.
FD235 base header [2600 kg (5750 lb.)] + vertical
knives [70 kg (150 lb.)] + no options = 2670 kg
(5900 lb.)
This FD235 is in the lighter weight range, and therefore
the float springs must be installed in the back hole of
the float levers.
If you add the optional upper cross auger
[180 kg (400 lb.)] and the transport [360 kg (800 lb.)],
the total weight will increase to 3210 kg (7100 lb.), and
you will have to move the float springs to the front
hole in the float levers because the header is now in
the heavier weight range.