Page 41
To explore the controls available on the Monitor page, it makes sense to start with the outputs section, the row on the bottom.
Each channel has the following elements in common:
Numeric Level Indicator
This Level Indicator displays the amount of attenuation, in dB, performed on the associated Output.
Faders and Meters
The FADERS in the Outputs row are for attenuation of the output levels. Levels can be reduced in ½ dB
increments with a click-drag of the mouse.
This is the rough equivalent to turning down the faders on a mixing board. If there are several sources
assigned to that output, play and record sources, all will be attenuated when the faders are brought down.
All faders, except Monitor Out and Phones when in “analog” mode, can be attenuated at the same time by
holding down the CTRL key on the keyboard while click-sliding any single fader.
The METERS in the Outputs section show the level strength of the signals at the associated output. The
Meters are post-fader, so there will be reduction in Meter level as the signal is attenuated.
The “M” Icon below the fader is for the Mutes. This switch Mutes or UnMutes the associated output.
When the “M” button is blue like this
, then the Mute is ON, and no signal will pass to the selected output. When the “M” button
is gray, like this
, then the Mute button is OFF, and signal CAN pass to the selected output.
Channel Link
In between the two Mute buttons for a pair of Inputs, is the channel link control:
. This control toggles the linked state for a pair
of faders and mutes. If two channels ARE linked, then moving the fader for one of them will move both channels. Similarly, if one is
muted then both will mute. If the faders between the channels are offset, when one is moved the other will snap to the same position.
Linked is the default state for pairs of inputs. To “un-link” a pair, click on the link icon and it will change to a single circle:
. In
this state, the mute, fader and pan controls operate on a single channel independently.
Output Button
This identifies the Outputs that are applicable to the fader and mute controls, and is also used to facilitate routing. Hilo Remote uses
an Output oriented approach to routing. Clicking on an Output button, “selects” that output for sources to be assigned to it. When
selected, the output label button is green. In this state, sources from the Record or Play sections can be un-muted, thereby set to stream
to the “selected” output.
In the Mixer’s default state, each output has one or more LSLOT play devices routed to it. All physical outputs (record streams
excepted) have Play 1+2 assigned to it. When you click through to select different outputs, Play 1+2 will show as un-muted for all of
them. In addition, some outputs have Play 1+2 as well as other Play pairs.
This is the default state for all Hilo physical outputs:
Line Out:
Play 1+2
Monitor Out:
Play 1+2 and 3+4
Play 1+2 and 5+6
Digital Out XLR (AES):
Play 1+2 and 7+8
Digital Out Coax:
Play 1+2 and 11+12
Digital Out Optical:
Play 1+2 and 9+10
ADAT Out 1-8:
Play 1+2 and 9-16 (when Hilo is in 16-channel mode)
To add sources to an output, click an output button to select it and it will turn green. Then un-mute Record and/or Play sources from
the Input Row. Signals from those sources will now stream to that output. When multiple sources are assigned to a single output, it is
often necessary to attenuate the individual sources to prevent excessive level from causing distortion to the output.
In addition to allowing signal from an input or play stream to be routed to a desired output, these monitor sources can be panned and
attenuated individually. To look into these features, let’s have a closer look at the Input Section of the Monitor page (the top row).