Commissioning of the water sampling station
Water sampling station
Operating instructions Analogue output signals
The basic configuration of the device includes up to four analogue 4 – 20
mA outputs. You can use the outputs to transmit the measured values to a
control room or a PLC (programmable logic controller).
Some actuators such as dosing pumps can be controlled directly via this
Perform the following work steps:
In the main menu under System > Outputs, navigate to the “Ana-
logue” tab.
Working under “Analogue”, select the desired output.
Configure the analogue output by entering the following data.
4. 20 mA type:
You can choose between the following signal types:
4 – 20 mA, 0 – 20 mA, 20 – 4 mA or 20 – 0 mA.
5. Testsignal:
You can test the configuration of the analogue outputs.
Check the actuation on the external device.
6. Output:
Determine what should be outputted on the selected output.
You can choose between the measurement and temperature values
or outputs (controller outputs).
7. Minimum:
Determine a minimum value. The minimum value indi-
cates for which measured value the signal is the weakest.
8. Maximum:
Determine a maximum value. The maximum value indi-
cates for which measured value the signal is the weakest.
The values for “minimum” and “maximum” serve the scaling
of the analogue output signal. Example: Sensor 1 has a meas-
uring range of 0 − 10 mg/l. 4 − 20 mA was selected as the 20
mA type. If the complete sensor measuring range is to be cov-
ered by the analogue signal, 0 mg/l should be selected for
“Minimum” and 10 mg/l for “Maximum”. At 0 mg/l, a 4 mA
signal will be issued; at 10 mg/l a 20 mA signal will be issued.
Configuration of the analogue outputs completed. Actuation of the LEDs for the water sampling stations
Some water sampling stations have multiple LEDs which display whether
a water parameter is in the desired range. You can configure the actuation
of the LEDs.
Perform the following work steps:
Working in the main menu under System > Outputs, navigate to the
“External LEDs” tab.
Working under “LED”, select the desired LED.
Configure the LED by entering the following data.
4. Function:
Select the reaction criteria for the LED. Selection of “Sam-
ple water shortage” standardly results in a green LED. If the digital
contact “Sample water shortage” is active, it will illuminate red. Fur-
ther options are the measured values of the sensor inputs 1 – 4.
5. Minimum and maximum:
If you have decided to use a measured
value, you must establish a minimum and a maximum value. The LED
will illuminate red if the minimum value is undercut or the maximum
value exceeded. It illuminates green between the values.
6. Testsignal:
You can test the configuration of the LEDs.
Configuration of the external LED outputs completed.
8.3.3 Second overview
In the main view, the device shows the measured values of the installed
input modules. This display is pre-determined and cannot be changed.
However, you can activate a “second overview” and adapt your needs in-
dividually (see Fig. 29 „Individual second overview“ on page 34).
Pool 1
Pool 3
Pool 2
Digital inputs
Fig. 29: Individual second overview
The second overview of the
double versions
is preconfigured to provide a complete overview of all values.
Fig. 30: Second overview of an
double version Activating the second overview
Perform the following work steps:
In the main menu under System > Settings, navigate to the “Display”
2. 2. Overview:
Activate the second overview with “On”.
3. Number windows:
Select how many individual and freely-configur-
able windows should be displayed.
Second overview activated. Configuring the second overview
Perform the following work steps:
Press the “Main menu” button (bottom left on the display) until the
second overview with the individually-settable windows appears.
A gear wheel icon is displayed in the top right-hand corner of every
window. Press on the icon to configure the selected window and
state the following information.
3. Name:
Give each window an individual name.