4.5.2 MultiLinkX:
MultiLinkX (also known as link aggregation) allows you to gather sever-
al links together in order to increase the available bandwidth between
switches. MultiLinkX is available for ISL ports only.
To enable MultiLinkX you fi rst select group zero (ISL) on the group
page. Select the “Advanced” option and tick the box “Enabled” un-
der the text MultiLinkX. Press apply to submit the changes.
Once MultiLinkX is enabled on the ISL ports, a Magenta bar will
appear below/above the selected ports.
Once MultiLinkX is active on the ISL ports, the Magenta bar will
turn White.
4.5.3 Tagged Management Group VID 1:
Sometimes it is required to integrate GigaCore switches with third
party hardware. In some systems the management group needs
to be untagged in the ISL group. On the GigaCore switches the
management group is tagged by default.
To un-tag the management group VID:1, select group zero (ISL) on
the group page. Select the “
” option and un-tick the box
“Enabled” under the text Tagged Management Group VID:1. Press
apply to submit the changes.
4.6 PoE: (LU 01 00048-POE only):
PoE (Power over Ethernet) is a convenient way to transport both data
and power over the same network cable and doing so powering a
device with its data cable. Your GigaCore switch can then be a data
connection hub and power source for your end devices.
PoE supply will provide PoE enabled ports as a default confi gura-
tion (see the upper illustration on page 21).
A PoE enabled port is displayed with a yellow latch above the port.
When the switch is currently sourcing a PoE device through a port,
the latch will turn orange, as is the port LED on the front.
The PoE status page will off er the following information per port:
The Powered Device Class (0, 1, 2, …)
The power consumption (Watts)
The current consumption (mA)
The priority (low, high, critical)
The port status
On the right-hand side of the page, a bar graph displays the cur-
rent power consumption of the switch. The switch can deliver a
total of 160W to share on the 10 EtherCon ports on the front, with
a maximum of 30W per port. (PoE+ compliant).
4.5 GROUPS / 4.6 POE