4.5.1 Advanced:
The advanced pane off ers the user access to extended parameters
such as:
Luminex group technology relies on the 802.1Q VLAN
protocol. By default, Luminex groups have a default VLAN ID. If
required, the user can change the VID of the group. Be aware
that if you wish to change this VID you’ll have to change it on
all the switches using this group.
(Internet Group Management Protocol)
IGMP is required when using multicast protocols
This button activates IGMP snooping. IGMP snoop-
ing is a smart way to manage multicast packets and forward
them to the registered ports. The main advantage of the IGMP
snooping is to avoid ports to be fl ooded with unrequested
IGMP snooping requires at least one switch in a group
to act as a querier. The querier registers the multicast packets to
the corresponding ports. If more than one querier is activated
per group, the switch with the lowest IP address will be elected
as querier. This election process is automated.
PTPv2 (Precision Time Protocol)
The Precision Time Protocol is a protocol used to synchronize
clocks throughout a computer network. On a local area net-
work, it achieves clock accuracy in the sub-microsecond range,
making it suitable for measurement and control systems.
GigaCore supports both PTP v1 and v2 packets. PTPv1 (used by
protocols like Dante) is prioritized by the built in Diff Serv / QoS
settings. In case of PTP v2 (IEEE1588-2008), the switch actively
takes part in clocking protocol by timestamping packets at the
hardware level.
With PTPv2 the GigaCore can be part of the clock domain
which is necessary for protocols such as AES67.
The user can enable/disable PTPv2 communications within the
selected group by validating the tick box and by selecting the
mode that best fi t the setup.
• E2E – End to End
The E2E delay mechanism measures the delay from the Slave
to the Master.
• P2P – Peer to Peer
The P2P delay mechanism measures the delay between two
nodes only independent of their states.
Domain: please enter a value for your PTP domain here.
Press Apply to submit your changes. You can have only one PTP
setup per switch, so in one group only.
In the status page, a stopwatch will be displayed for every port
set in the group associated to a PTP domain.
The GigaCore switches fully support AVB/AVB Milan. In
order to confi gure a group to be used for AVB, select the group,
click the advanced options and tick the box AVB.
A warning screen will pop up to warn you for the following:
• PTPv2 is disabled in every group.
• MultiLinkX (aggregation) is disabled.
• VID 2 is not permitted for a group.
• Only use 100Mbps/1Gbps FDX port links.
• AVB can only be active in one group.
“legacy SET 1”
has been added to enable compati-
bility with devices that expect two declarations instead of one
after a LeaveAll of the MSRP protocol. Some legacy devices
expect / need separate declaration(s).The following warning
will be given when choosing this option:
Warning: Enabling this button makes the LeaveAll to send 2 iso
1 joinMts. This option can be needed as workaround in combi-
nation with some non Avnu/Milan certifi ed components.