4.3.3 Utilities:
This page brings you the tools to reset your device in diff erent ways
and set some default security parameters.
(A) Reset:
This menu allows the user to bring the switch into diff erent
levels of reset:
1. Preserve IP Settings: Tick the upper checkbox if you wish to bring
the device back to the default settings but keep the actual IP pa-
rameters set on the device.
If you leave this checkbox unticked, the device will set the IP ad-
dress back to the factory default address printed on the label on
the rear of the device.
2. Preserve all user profi les: Tick the lower checkbox if you wish to
bring the device back to the default settings but keep all the pro-
fi les stored in the profi le manager.
Press “Apply Reset” once you have selected the appropriate options for
your reset. Resetting the device with both checkboxes unticked will
bring the device back to factory default.
4.3.2 Port Settings:
This menu allows you to change the port’s speed, add a legend to
each port and enable remote monitoring per port.
The port speed drop-down menu off ers the following options:
Disabled: Disable the port. The port will appear
greyed out on the top switch image.
Auto: The port automatically detects the speed
of the connected device (default).
10Mbps HDX: 10Mbps Half Duplex
10Mbps FDX: 10Mbps Full Duplex
100Mbps HDX: 100Mbps Half Duplex
100Mbps FDX: 100Mbps Full Duplex
1Gbps FDX: 1000Mbps Full Duplex