P30P-09A 5 User's manual
active power factor
reactive power factor (cosφ)
active power averaged (e.g. 15 min)
reactive power averaged (e.g. 15 min)
current averaged (e.g. 15 min)
value of the cosine of the angle φ
active power:
- import:
- export;
reactive power:
- capacitve;
- inductive;
apparent energy
minimum and maximum values for:
- phase voltage;
- current;
- active power;
- reactive power;
- apparent power;
- active power factor;
- reactive power factor;
- frequency;
- mean active power;
- mean apparent power;
- mean current.
Transducer allows for the use of external transmission and measurement conversion included
in the measurement and calculation of all measured values. Value upgrade time does not exceed 1
second. All values and configuration parameters are available through RS-485 and Ethernet (Modbus
protocol) (option).
Fig. 1 Appearance of P30P transducer different versions.