7000INST Copyright Lockmasters, Inc. 5/25/11
For this application the LKM7000 is installed on a single hollow metal door with a #2 strike,
however the instructions apply to any strike. Please note Lockmasters has stainless
steel strikes exclusively for the LKM7000 family of locks.
step 1 – temporarily Installing the strike
step 1a
– Position the center of the strike 43” on the door frame above the finished floor.
NOTE: The inside base plate should not extend beyond the edge of the door.
step 1B
– Mark the top and bottom position of the strike as well as the oversized
alignment hole in the center of the strike.
Tip: double stick tape the strike into
position to mark and punch.
step 2 – center punch & drill alignment/center hole
step 2a
– Center punch and drill a pilot hole with a #25 drill bit. Use an 10-24 tap and
tap the center alignment hole. Attach the strike to the door frame with the 10-24x1” pan
head machine screw provided and tighten into the center hole only. (Figure 1)
Tip: use an automatic center punch for more precise punching.
step 3 – Prepare the Installation templates
Begin by selecting the template that matches the appropriate door handing for the
install. Templates are provided for both right and left hand doors. Before beginning the
installation you must cut out all the areas marked with a dashed line.
Strike Installation
Attach the strike to the door frame by installing
only 1 screw at this time into the center hole using
the truss head screw.
1a - Strike - Center Hole 43” from finished floor.
1b - Strike - Mark the top & bottom of strike.
1b - Strike - Mark center hole.
2a - Strike - Center punch alignment/center hole.
2a - Strike - Tap alignment/center hole.
2a - Strike - With a #25 bit drill a pilot hole.
2a - Strike - Attach with 10-24x1” screw.
Template - Cut out all dashed line.