7000INST Copyright Lockmasters, Inc. 5/25/11
read instructions thoroughly prior to installation
record the lock’s serial number prior to installation:
Must read before installation
It Is IMPEratIVE tHat tHE Door rEMaIn oPEn DurInG InstallatIon oF tHE lKM7000.
If the door closes while the back cover is removed, the relockers will trigger resulting in a lockout.
Important Information
All seals and gaskets must be applied to the door frame PRIOR to installing a LockOne Series Lock.
Compression type sound seals are NOT RECOMMENDED when using a LockOne Series Lock.
DrIllInG a HolloW Door
To avoid alignment issues you should NEVER drill a through hole in a hollow door. To ensure a level through hole, you should
drill through one side of the door then drill through the other side of the door.