Lite-Check CERTIFIER 1200 Operations Manual
This test is used to verify that components of the trailer or dolly under test (air supply, hoses, fittings,
glad-hands, brake cans, etc.) are in satisfactory condition to insure the tester's inherent
times complies with the maximum permissible times specified in FMVSS-121 f
or the specific
type of vehicle being tested.
Various types of vehicles are selectable on the “Main 1200 Startup
Screen” under the “Configuration” dropdown. (See page 24 for the vehicle choices.) If you are failing
vehicles for apply and release timing, re-run the
“121 Timing Self-Test Without a Trailer or Dolly”
(on page 11) to verify the test system's performance, before testing actual vehicles again.
1. Perform the “Normal Power-up Procedure” detailed in the Appendix starting on page 39.
2. Connect a sensor to any port on the Hub, if there isn’t one already attached and ready for use.
3. Attach the EMERGENCY Air output glad-hand from the tester to the EMERGENCY glad-hand
port on the front of the vehicle under test (i.e. trailer or dolly).
WARNING: Failure to connect
the Emergency air can cause brake “compounding” and damage the brake chamber!
4. Attach the SERVICE Air output glad-hand from the tester to the SERVICE glad-hand port on the
front of the vehicle under test.
5. Verify the following LED’s status on the Hub:
The Green LED should be lit indication a good state.
The the Red LED will be lit if the Hub encountered an error condition. (Likely the sensor
attached to the Hub did not self-calibrate and may be defective. Or, there may be air pressure in
the line. Or, there may be a low battery condition in the Hub.)
To change the brightness of the display on the Hub, you can adjust the small screw near the
lower right corner of the Hub display.
6. The “Setup Hub Sensors” dialog will popup. Select the appropriate Hub port that matches where
you connected your sensor in Step 2, above. On that sensor selection in the GUI, change
“Unused” to “Curbside” to select it for use.
7. Now select “Done” in the lower right hand corner of the “Setup Hub Sensors” dialog popup. The
test will immediately start as a result of this action.
8. At test completion, the SUMMARY page will appear and display the results.
This test continues on the next page.
Performing the 121 Timing Test, when attached to a trailer or dolly: