rev 20-10
The sizes shown are in mm.
It is recommended to perform a functional test before
Installation to exclude possible damage during transport
and another test immediately after installation to exclude
accidental damage to the product and interference with
mounting components.
Intended use
The MP3 fire dampers are “Devices for use in heating, venti-
lation and air conditioning (HvAC) systems at fire bounda-
ries to mantain compartmentation and protect means of
escape in case of fire” according to the 3.1 paragraph of EN
15650:2010 standard.
It is compulsory to install the fire damper according to the
instructions indicated in the technical data sheet and ma-
nual to maintain the declared performances and, in parti-
cular, the fire classes.
The double test (with the mechanism inside and outside
the fire area) demonstrated that there is no preferred di-
rection for the position of the damper, both in relation to
air flow and the side with the higher probability of expo-
sure to fire, as indicated in standard EN1366-2:2015 (para-
graph 6.2).
Use permitted in any civil and industrial building.
Use permitted in saline atmosphere, for example:
maritime and port enviroments;
fish markets;
cheese makers.
Not allowed uses
Use with installations different to those described in the
technical data sheet and manual;
use as smoke control damper;
use as shut off damper;
use in external environments without adequate pro-
tection from atmospheric conditions;
use in explosive environments;
use on board of ships;
use in cooker extraction hoods;
use in pneumatic conveying systems of dust or corn;
use in ventilation systems within locations subject to
chemical contamination;
use in non inspectable enviroments;
installation in fire resistant false ceilings crossings;
use in ventilation ducts where condensation can occur.
Positioning brackets before fixing
Positioning brackets
Blade rotation axis positioning
The fire damper can be installed with the blade axis posi-
tioned vertically or horizontally or tilted at any angle.
Installation of flexible connectors in
order to balance out the ventilation
ducts expansion
ATTENTION: the following indications must be considered
binding only if legislation or local regulation where the
fire dampers are installed require the use of flexible con-
Flexible connectors compensate any duct thermal expan-
sion and wall bending in case of fire.
Flexible connectors are used to limit fire damper stresses
due to external forces in case of fire and to preserve fire
resistance class.
In general it is always appropriate the use of flexible con-
nectors for the followings installations:
light walls;
Plasterboard and rock wool or Fire batt (Weichschott)
Applique fixing system.
Flexible connector must be normal flammability and in
case of fire the grounding bonding should disconnet to
guarantee the complete separation between fire damper
and connected air duct.
When flexible connectors made of conductive material
(e.g. aluminum) are used, no additional grounding bon-
ding is required.
We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice