Section 3: Installation
Spirit II User’s Manual
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4. The braided shield on the torch leads must be electrically connected to the ASC
console and to the torch handle. The length of the braid must be insulated from any
metal contact or contact with the floor. The braid can be insulated with a plastic or
leather sheath or run in a plastic track.
5. Each plasma system component as well as any other related equipment (CNC,
motor drives) must have a separate ground connection to the star ground point even
if bolted to the gantry or power supply. Grounds are not to be daisy-chained.
6. For components mounted to the cutting table gantry, it is acceptable to create a star
ground at the gantry with a single ground cable connecting the gantry star ground
with the cutting table star ground. The exception is the Arc Starting Console – this
should always have a separate ground cable connected directly to the cutting table
star ground.
7. See Appendix A for additional information.
Cutting Table
INOVA Console
Arc Starting Console
Power Supply
AC Power
Service Gnd
Star Gnd.
Star Gnd.
Protective Earth
Chassis Gnd
Earth Gnd
Gas Console
Plasma Console
If not mounted to the Gantry, ground should be connected to the Cutting Table Star Gnd.
The INOVA ground is part of the voltage sense circuit and as such is recommended to be connected
to the same point as the power supply Work Lead.