Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG
The current parameter set is loaded into the memory of the BCL 8:
• each time the supply voltage is connected;
• following a software reset (online command ’H’).
The current parameter set is overwritten by the parameter set with the factory settings:
• by a parameter reset, see Page 59.
7.3.2 Service operating mode
Setting the required parameters is carried out easiest in the 'Service' operating mode. The operating mode
Service provides the following defined operating parameters on the RS 232 interface,
no matter how the
BCL 8 is configured for standard operation:
• Transmission rate: 9600 baud
• No parity
• 8 data bits
• 1 stop bit
• Prefix: STX
• Postfix: CR, LF
Activate service interface
The service interface can be activated by holding a defined bar code label ("Service", see Figure 7.1) in
front of the reading window during power-up (initialization phase).
Figure 7.1: Bar code label "Service"
While the laser switches on for approx. 1s after power-up, the "Service" label is to be held up in front of
the bar code reader at a suitable read distance. When the device is in service mode, the status LED flashes
You can connect a PC or a terminal to the BCL 8 via the serial interface and configure the BCL 8 through
this connection. The connection is made using an RS 232 connection cable that establishes the RxD, TxD
and GND connections between PC and BCL 8.
If the BCL 8 is connected to a connection unit, you can establish the connection in the same way in front
of the connection unit. For the respective pin assignments, please refer to the data sheet of the connection
Figure 7.2: Connecting the RS 232 interface to a PC or terminal
2 TxD
4 RxD